Learning to fly a remote-controlled (RC) plane requires a great deal of skill and refinement, but it's an excellent method to master the fundamentals of flying. The problem is that not all RC planes are made equal. If you select one that has features that are too sophisticated for your ability level, learning will be difficult, and you will swiftly go down in flames.
The good news is that there are several RC planes designed for beginners that are nevertheless enjoyable for expert users. Here are a few things to consider before making a purchase.
- Quick Take offs - The RC planes come with different advanced features that can be your best bet. Because certain RC planes have GPS capability, you can set up an invisible barrier to restrict your plane from flying out of range or into dangerous territory. Others can fly into a holding pattern until you find them in the sky, and some may even land in the same spot from which they took off.
- Ideal For Beginners - Flying isn’t easy for all. For this reason many RC planes come with intelligent features to assist you in learning the intricacies of flight, such as novice settings that prevent you from stalling or nosediving. You may progress to more advanced modes as you gain confidence with the controls.
- Powerful and Durable - Because RC plane motors consume a lot of energy, many designs can only fly for a few minutes at a time. It's a good idea to conduct some research on how long a battery should last, and you're probably better off having a few backups with you that are charged and ready to go. Some planes even include a backup battery.
Find more about RC accessories at redwingrc.com.